
我們是 cuckoo)))

一個全新的品牌在此報到囉~ ^^
誕生於 2010 年 9 月,我們是 cuckoo。

什麼是 cuckoo 呢?

cuckoo 是……那隻時不時衝出小柵門咕咕報到的布榖鳥;但是,我們的 cuckoo,是一個生活器物的新品牌,運用白日夢般的幽默綺想作為題材,創造實用設計的新品相。當我們像個鐘擺一樣,來回反覆於工作、家事、責任之間,我們遇到問題,我們需要解惑的靈光一閃,「cuckoo」一聲,開啟想像的閘門,打破一成不變,讓生活起飛,從困境轉念的開啟裝置,這就是 cuckoo 的生活風格,從現在開始,請對自己的日常生活微笑吧~

CUCKOO is a bird coming out and in of the little door to report time.  CUCKOO is a new brand of daily appliance, which inspiring people to well use our imagination.  When we face difficulties, we should be like the CUCKOO opening an imaginary door, bringing a different view in our life.  CUCKOO represents a concept of new life style, which encourages everyone to be positive towards life, starting with a smile.

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